Lake Ashton Bird and Nature Club
Saturday, August 27, 2016, 07:45am - 12:15pm
The Bird and Nature Club will travel to Bok Tower in search of butterflies on Saturday, August 27. Expected species are Gulf Fritillaries, Giant Swallowtails, Zebra Heliconians, Zebra Swallowtails and more. Possible birds include American Kestrel and Ruby-throated Hummingbird. This is the optimum season for numbers and variety of butterflies. The Club will depart from the main Clubhouse parking lot at 7:45 a.m. Bring water, binoculars, and cameras (if you have them), and be prepared to walk in the heat. Please bring your Bok Tower pass if you own one; those with extra free passes are encouraged to bring them to share. Entrance fee is $12 per person which can be applied to a new membership. Contact Barbara Ann Comer.
Location :: Bok Tower