Pet Co-op Flea Market
Wednesday, October 12, 2016, 12:00pm - 04:00pm
The Lake Ashton Pet Co-op is having its first ever flea
market on Wednesday, October 12. All items to be sold
are to be pet, animal, bird or insect orientated. Selling
tables will be up for reservation at the fee of $10 per table
and only one table per household. Reservations and the
floor plan will be available at the Activities Desk. All
payments must be made by check payable to Pet Co-op.
Additional information and rules will be given to each
reservation made and available for review at the
Activities Desk. Set up begins at 9 a.m. and doors will
open from noon to 4 p.m. Each vendor will receive two
tickets with their reservation. Non-vendors and shoppers will be charged $2 per person for “shopping rights” that
day, payable at the door or purchased at the Activities
Desk in advance. Call Don Cook for any
additional information.
Location :: Clubhouse Ballroom