Active Shooter Training for Residents
Monday, November 06, 2017, 10:15am - 11:15am
Lake Wales Police Department Lieutenants David Black and Michael Smith will be presenting information in the Clubhouse Ballroom Monday November 6 at 10:15 a.m. for anyone who want to learn more about how to survive an active shooter. Lake Wales Police Department will use the Run Hide Fight technique to train residents how to be in a position to increase chances of surviving a mass shooting.

No one want to think about being in a restaurant, store, concert, movie or even at Lake Ashton amenities and having a tragic shooting occur. However, it is better to be prepared and possibly increase the chance of survival than to not plan for the worst case scenario.

The session is free and all residents are welcome to attend. Please sign up at the Clubhouse Activities Desk so Lake Wales Police Department can plan for the correct number of attendees.
Location :: Clubhouse Ballroom