LA Photographer Meet & Greet
Friday, December 01, 2017, 02:00pm - 03:00pm
Starting November 17, view the beautiful watercolor work created by Lake Ashton artist
Patty Wallner. Patty has had a lifelong love for color, creativity, and painting, and evolved to
watercolors as a bucket list medium after retiring. Patty has shown her work for the past
seven years at the annual Lake Ashton Art & Photography Show and has won awards at
every show. Her exhibit at Lake Ashton showcases Patty’s favorite happy place – the
beach with scenes of sun, sand, and surf as well as other stunning
subjects. Meet and greet the artist Friday, December 1 at 2 p.m. as
Patty introduces her work and herself during a casual exhibit talk
at the gallery. Her exhibit will be on display until January 2. In
January, Patty and her husband Dave are celebrating their
thirteen-year anniversary of living at Lake Ashton and agree they are still in love with the community.
Location :: Art & Photography Exhibit Area