Mid-Atlantic Party
Sunday, January 28, 2018, 05:00pm - 07:00pm
Mark your calendar for January 28, 2018, for the great Mid-Atlantic Party at 5 p.m. in the Clubhouse Ballroom. Anyonewho has ever lived or worked in Delaware, Maryland,Virginia, West Virginia, New Jersey, or Pennsylvania isinvited to join friends and neighbors and have a good time.The menu consists of fried chicken, homemade crab cake,and a soft drink, all for $10. Purchase tickets at theClubhouse Activities Desk beginning Monday, December 4.Choose white or dark meat chicken when you sign up andplease bring a side, salad or dessert to serve eight. Ticketswill be sold until January 19 or 136 are sold. January 28 isthe Sunday before Super Bowl, and there is no football. CallDavid or Barbara Harrison at with questions.
Location :: Clubhouse Ballroom