Think & Drink
Wednesday, February 07, 2018, 06:30pm - 08:00pm
Think and Drink is a brand new initiative designed tostimulate thought and open-minded conversations amongresidents of Lake Ashton. Engaging speakers, thought-provoking topics, and an optional glass of wine are all partof the agenda! It’s been said that three things can change alife: Art, Education, and Religion. Theatre Winter Haven isworking hard on the first two and, according to ExecutiveDirector Dan Chesnicka, the third one often shows up. JoinDan at 6:30 p.m. on February 7 in the Clubhouse Ballroomas he shares the vision of building a community with art atits center. Theatre Winter Haven is widely regarded as oneof the best community theatres in the nation. The missionfor a community theatre goes far beyond providing qualityentertainment, however. From their educational programsfor youngsters to their budding theatre program forveterans, and a responsibility to increase tourism andhome purchases in Winter Haven, and driving over $7million in economic impact within the community, thetheatre is involved in dozens of initiatives that most knownothing about. Learn how Theatre Winter Haven istackling big issues, with art at the center of it all. Grab adrink from the bar at Fire at Lake Ashton and join others inthe Ballroom for a stimulating presentation and thoughtfuldiscussion! Sign up at the Clubhouse Activities Desk. Savethe date for March 7 for the next topic.