Trash to Treasure (BOLLA) Sale
Saturday, March 10, 2018, 08:00am - 02:00pm
Although spring officially begins on March 20, LakeAshton residents enjoy spring-like weather earlier thanfamily and friends up north. If spring cleaning is on youragenda, please consider donating your gently used itemsto BOLLA’s Trash To Treasure Fundraiser to be held onMarch 10. For Lake Ashton residents only, there will be awine and cheese party and the opportunity to buytreasures on March 9 from 5 to 7 p.m. Tickets are $5 (cashor check made out to BOLLA) and will go on sale Monday,February 5 at the Clubhouse Activities Desk until sold out.

BOLLA will collect items at 4160 Limerick Drive everyTuesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to noon beginningFebruary 15 through March 1. Items will be collected everyday from Monday, March 5 through Wednesday, March 7.Large items such as furniture will be picked up onTuesdays only. BOLLA requests that residents do not dropitems off other than designated dates and times. Clothing,TVs, phones, computers, or printers cannot be collected forthis event. Any items not sold are donated to the LakeWales Care Center. Your support allows BOLLA topurchase material to make comforting blankets for childrenin crisis in Polk County. If you have any questions or needlarge items picked up, call Pat Neaves .

Location :: Clubhouse Ballroom