Lake Ashton Health Fair
Wednesday, March 21, 2018, 08:00am - 11:30am
The 13th Annual Lake Ashton Health Fair, facilitated byHealth Concepts, will be held March 21 from 8 to 11:30 a.m.Last year 43 vendors from a variety of health related servicesattended, and most will be back offering screeningsincluding hearing, vision and glaucoma, blood pressure,bladder, grip testing and golf swing analysis (pending),blood pressure and heart rate, O2%, spine assessments,glasses adjustments, phones for the hearing impaired andmore. Also represented will be health insurances, financialrepresentatives and patient advocates! Other attendeesinclude non-profits such as Citizens CPR, Habitat forHumanity, the Humane Society of Polk County, and more!And don’t forget the free chair massage! The Health Fairfocuses on prevention and the opportunity to live thequality of life within your circumstances by providingresources and empowering you with knowledge. Hope tosee you there!
Location :: Clubhouse Ballroom