Think & Drink
Wednesday, March 28, 2018, 06:30pm - 08:00pm

Think and Drink is a brand new initiative designed tostimulate thought and open-minded conversations amongresidents of Lake Ashton. Engaging speakers, thought-provoking topics, and an optional glass of wine are all part ofthe agenda! Advancing medical technologies has lent itself tomore expanded treatment options for the care of manymedical conditions. On Wednesday, March 28 at 6:30 p.m. inthe Clubhouse Ballroom, learn about a new non-surgicaltreatment called platelet rich plasma that is available for thetreatment of joints, muscles, tendons, and nerves. Also, learnhow advances in medical imaging applications has allowedfor safer and more rapid treatment during injections. Hearfrom Dr. Michelle Henne, a local sports medicine physicianwith experience working with athletes in MLS, MLB, andLPGA, who specializes in treating acute and chronic muscleand joint issues. She will demonstrate how ultrasoundguidance can assist in injections as well as discuss howplatelet rich plasma can be used to treat a variety ofmusculoskeletal conditions. She will include in her discussiona brief review of the ethical implications of these treatmentoptions. Sponsored by Southwood Garage Doors. 

Location :: Clubhouse Ballroom