LA Photographer Meet & Greet
Wednesday, April 11, 2018, 02:00pm - 03:00pm

A new initiative to enhance the beauty of theClubhouse and feature Lake Ashton artistsand photographers is underway with arotating exhibit in the hallway near the

Bowling Alley. Starting April 3, view an exhibit by EloiseWilson. Meet and greet the artist on April 11 at 2 p.m. whenshe will introduce her work and herself during a casualexhibit talk at the gallery. Her exhibit will be on displayuntil May 15.

Eloise has been an artist all her life despite never havingany formal training, only a few classes in high school. Shewould play around with sketching, watercolors and oils.She also enjoyed the oil paint classes on TV. She alsoenjoyed a very active musical life of singing, playing thepiano and organ, and is a talented actress ... you mighthave seen her as Tiny Tim at a Lake Ashton talent show.Eloise and her husband, Herb, were quite the adventurers.Their weekends were filled with either boating excursionsor RV trips. Many of her paintings were done on these tripsas she was relaxing enjoying nature. Eloise turned 98 onMarch 4! 

Location :: Art & Photography Exhibit Area