Christmas Dinner Dance
Friday, December 07, 2018, 05:00pm - 10:00pm

Hello to all at Lake Ashtonand hoping everyone had agreat summer! Please besure you have marked the calendar for the beautifulChristmas Dinner Dance planned for Friday, December 7 in the Clubhouse Ballroom. Music will be provided by LakeAshton’s own great Perfect Pitch Band. The food will beprovided by Cam's Catering with menu to include topround of beef carving station, salmon with lemon buttersauce, grilled chicken with sauce, garlic roasted mashedpotatoes, green beans almandine, garden salad, Frenchrolls, an assortment of desserts, coffee, iced tea, and water.Tickets will go on sale in the Clubhouse Lobby, Monday,November 5 at 8 am before Monday Coffee. They will be$30 per person, cash or check, with tables of eight andlimited tables of ten. They will also be available at theClubhouse Activities Desk after that (check only). Pleaseprovide the names of each person. Looking forward to afestive, decked-out crowd and a wonderful, fun time!

Location :: Clubhouse Ballroom