LA Photographer Meet & Greet
Wednesday, December 12, 2018, 02:00pm - 03:00pm

The rotating exhibit featuring Lake Ashtonartists and photographers will return to thehallway near the Bowling Alley onDecember 3, and will feature naturephotographs taken by Carl Boast. Aninternationally recognized BehavioralNeuroscientist by profession, Carl has apassion for nature photography that goes back fivedecades. It blossomed upon retirement to the Blue RidgeMountains of Virginia. Fortunate to have traveledextensively, he has had the opportunity to take photos onall seven continents! Always, he has also maintained aninterest in whatever locale he lived in and Lake Ashton hascertainly been a delightful and productive venue. A fewawards from Fine Arts & Photography Shows have helpedwith motivation. He enjoys opportunities to share hisphotos and very much looks forward to this one. Meet and greet the photographer on December 12  at 2 p.m. when Carl will introduce his workand himself during a casual exhibit talk at the gallery. His exhibit will be on display until Dec. 31.

Location :: Art & Photography Exhibit Area