Casino Night Benefit
Saturday, February 23, 2019, 07:00pm - 10:00pm
Casino Night Benefit. This event began 15 years ago tobenefit schools in Lake Wales and Winter Haven, and itremains true today in raising monies that will fund grantrequests for school programs, projects or supplies nototherwise provided. 100% of the money raised reaches theclassrooms, and thanks to all of the dedicated andenthusiastic volunteers, a grand total of $383,000 has beendonated during this time period.So, what is your forte? Advertising & publicity? Ticket sales?Soliciting new businesses to participate? Silent auction?Dealing at the card tables? Preparing prizebaskets? Running horse races? Whatever your interest orskill, there is a job for you and the RV Benefit Associationneeds you! Actual event planning will begin in earnest verysoon, so please consider joining the volunteer team. All youhave to do is email Annabel Boogher and your name will be added to the master email blast announcingfuture meetings or information. It is fun! But truly, the senseof accomplishment in helping the kids is the best benefit ofall!
Location :: Clubhouse Ballroom