Kayak Club Field Trip
Tuesday, February 26, 2019, 01:15pm - 06:15pm
Wekiva River, Kings Landing to Wekiva Island

Launch site - Kings Landing, 5722 Baptist Camp Rd, Apopka, FL
(about 1:15 to 1:30 driving time according to google maps)

Option 1 - Launch at Kings Landing, paddle upstream 1 mile to Emerald Cut Spring,
then float back to King's Landing, stretch your legs and then float another 8.5 miles
downstream with the current to Wekiva Island, where the shuttle will pick you up
and take you back to the launch site with your boat. There is a constant 2.5 to 3.5 mph
current to carry you along, so it is not a hard paddle. This is a 10.5 mile trip,
This is a pretty ambitious,, but there are quite a few places to pull out along the way
to stretch your legs. Total time actually paddling in your boat should be about 3.5 hours,
total time including stops should be about 5 hours

Option 2 - Launch at Kings Landing, go directly downstream to Wekiva Island
with the current all the way. This is an 8.5 mile trip, and should take about
4 hours including stops.

Option 3 - Launch at Kings Island, paddle upstream to Emerald Cut, then explore
the immediate area for a while, then float back to King's Landing and depart for home,
this is a minimum of 2 miles, 1 upstream and 1 downstream, plus whatever exploring
you wish to do.

The stream is spring fed, and clear, with lots of wildlife, and very little habitation along the banks. t flows beside a state park and is pretty untouched.

Lunch - Pack a lunch to eat during one of the stops. No glass or styrofoam products
are allowed on the river. Please note - there are restrooms at the beginning and the end,
nothing in between.

Rental info - Kings landing - 407-886-0859
When you call to make your reservation, identify yourself as part of the Lake Ashton
Kayak and Canoe club

Fees - rentals - Option 1 and 2, price includes shuttle
Single kayak - $50.00 Tandem Kayak or canoe - $60.00 - canoe holds 3 people

Option 3 - rentals - No shuttle needed single $40.00, tandem or canoe - $50.00

If you have your own boat - There is a $10.00 launch fee, or if you do the shuttle there is a
$20.00 fee that includes the shuttle and the launch fee.

There is no parking fee at the launch site.


Each person can take whatever trip they feel like doing, but keep in mind that the shuttle pick up for option 1 and 2 is at 4 PM ONLY, although if we have 10 to 12 people using the shuttle they will give us a special (earlier) pick up. People using option 3 can leave at their leisure.

Meet at the clubhouse parking lot, east side where the gold carts park at 8:00 AM. We will form carpools and leave as soon as everyone is there.

As always, check your email the morning of the trip to be notified of any weather related cancellations.

Please let me know if you will be going, and whether or not you will be renting, and which option you think you will do. You can change your mind about the option after we arrive at the launch site.

Any questions, call or email - Giles Snyder -
Location :: Wekiva River, Kings Landing to Wekiva Island