Kayak Club Field Trip
Friday, March 08, 2019, 08:30am - 01:30pm
Blackwater Creek into Lake Norris and back.

Meet in the Clubhouse parking lot, east side where the golf carts park at 8:30 AM, and we will form carpools and go as a caravan. The launch site has no address, so it is hard to use a GPS to get there. I will be able to show you on a map where it is. It is about an hour and a half to the launch site. If you rent a boat, tell them we expect to be at the launch site at the Conservation Area East Trailhead Entrance, just off Blackwater Creek Road and Lake Norris Road about 10:30/10:45.

This is an easy 1 mile paddle to the lake in a heavily shaded narrow stream with a light current. Lake Norris is surrounded by old growth Cypress trees, and has numerous Osprey nests. I believe that there may be chicks in the nests at this time. The lake is very remote, and I have never seen any boat traffic on it, except kayaks. There are a few homes and farms on the east shore, and a boy scout camp on the north shore, other than that, it is virtually untouched.The cypress growth extends out into the lake about 100 yards or so, and you can actually paddle through the trees. The entire paddle trip should be about 3.5 miles total, 1 mile against a light current, a mile or so exploring the lake, and 1 mile back with the current.

Restrooms, - none - We will stop at a service station about 15 minutes before we launch.

Rental info - Adventure outdoors - 352-217-5012 - Katrina
$45.00 for a single kayak, delivered to the launch site. You can back your car right up to the launchsite. Make a reservation ASAP, and identify yourself as a member of our club. WE NEED TO HAVE AT LEAST FOUR RENTALS TO HAVE THE BOATS DELIVERED.

Please let me know if you are going, and whether or not you are renting or using your own boat.

As usual, check your email the morning of the trip to check for any weather related cancellations.

Any questions, call - Giles
Location :: Blackwater Creek into Lake Norris and back.