Think & Drink: Taking Stock of This Weird Market
Thursday, March 14, 2019, 06:30pm - 08:00pm
The world of finance can be a confusing place, with a stock market that sometimes seems more like a rollercoaster than a safe vehicle. Is it random human error or something else? How should you react to market swings? On March 14 at 6:30 p.m. in the Cinema, Margaret Smoller will discuss ways that your decisions affect financial markets. She’ll give some examples of how people over- and under-react to different kinds of information, and how this is reflected on Wall Street and beyond. She’ll provide some tools for coping and some advice we might give to friends and children to help their financial literacy.Margaret holds an MBA from the University of Toronto, and a PhD in Finance from the University of Florida. She has taught undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Illinois, Chicago; the University of California, Davis; and Wayne State University, where she also served as Associate Dean of the Business School. Her research has included work on IPOs and Seasoned Equity offerings, options pricing, and market efficiency in futures and options markets. Her articles on these areas of interest have appeared in numerous academic journals. Sponsored by Matt Simpson — Edward Jones.
Location :: Clubhouse Cinema