Kayak Club Field Trip
Tuesday, April 23, 2019, 09:30am - 02:30pm
Departure - Meet in the Clubhouse parking lot, East side where the golf carts park at 9:15.to form carpools and consolidate boats.
Those who are taking their own boats should leave no later than 9:30 so that we will have time to drop our boats and figure
out how to do the shuttle.
Launch site - Everyone - Brownville Park, 1885 NE Brownville St, Arcadia, FL

Take out site - Renters, Canoe Outpost - 2816 Country Rd.661, Arcadia FL, 800-268-0083
Non-renters - DeSoto Veterans Memorial Park, 2288 American Legion Dr, Arcadia FL,

Rental Info - Call Canoe Outpost - A single kayak, tandem kayak and/or canoe are all the same price -
$45.00 for the trip - This includes all gear and shuttle service.

Bathrooms - At the launch site and also both take out sites

Logistics - Renters will go directly to Canoe Outpost, leave your car there, and they will shuttle you upstream
to Brownville Park. Be at Canoe Outpost in time to catch the 11:30 AM departure to Brownsville Park
Non Renters - Go directly to Brownville Park, drop off your boats and all your gear,
then take your vehicle to DeSoto Veterans Park and leave it there . (About 15 minutes, 10.5 miles)
One car will have to take the drivers back to the launch site. We can work that out the morning of our departure
We will have to make sure that we are back at the launch site by 11:45 so that we can launch the same time as those renting.

Trip Info - Those renting, the distance is 7.25 miles from Brownville Park to Canoe Outpost.
If you have your own boat we will take out at DeSoto Park, which is a total of 8.65 miles.
There is a pretty good current, and no obstructions, so this should be a pretty easy trip.
Actual paddle time should be between 3 and 4 hours, depending on the current.

Options -~ If you have your own boat you can join the renters, but the shuttle fee is $45.00 per person.
There is a $2.00 per car parking charge at both the parks. Take singles for the charge.

Lunch - Pack a lunch that you can take in your boat, and we will find a place to pull over about halfway through and eat.

NOTE - Be sure and check your email the morning of the trip for any cancellations or changes.

Contact Giles