Identification of Snakes
Thursday, April 25, 2019, 09:00am - 10:00am
A seminar on Identification of Snakesthat may be found in the Lake Ashtoncommunity will be presented byShannon Carnevale - UF/IFASExtension Polk County on April 25 at 9a.m. in the Clubhouse Cinema. Due tolimited seating there is a signup sheetat the Clubhouse Desk.There are 46 species of snakes in Florida and only six of themare venomous. These creatures play an important role inFlorida’s ecosystems. One described even eats venomoussnakes and is a federally protected threatened species. Manysnakes have similar characteristics, making it difficult todifferentiate between them. However, it is important to beable to accurately identify snakes for your own safety due tothe fact that many venomous and non-venomous snakes lookalike. This is a service of the Lake Ashton CERT (CommunityEmergency Response Team).
Location :: Clubhouse Cinema