Astronomy Night — The Great Pyramid
Saturday, May 11, 2019, 08:00pm - 10:00pm
Come to the Clubhouse Cinema on May 11 to find theanswers to questions about the Great Pyramid of Giza withCleve, the president of the Imperial Polk Astronomical Society,a not-for-profit corporation based in Lakeland, FL. His studieshave ranged from the physics of astronomy, to the astronomyof the Great Pyramid of Giza, to the true meaning of theconstellations. At this presentation, residents will look at theconstruction of the Great Pyramid of Giza and find out why it isliterally one-of-a-kind. There's math and astronomy built intothe pyramid (and its location) but there's no pharaoh, treasureand writing. So who built it and what is its purpose? Come andfind out the answer to this question and many more. After thisinformative presentation, step outside and take a look at thestars and constellations using some very sophisticatedtelescopes. Due to the pool lights interfering with the viewing telescopes (weather permitting). Due to the pool lightsinterfering with the viewing of the stars through thetelescope, the Clubhouse Pool will close at 8 pm on May11. Sign up at the Clubhouse Activities Desk. Space islimited to 55 residents.
Location :: Clubhouse Cinema