LA ROCS & Pebbles Potluck
Friday, October 11, 2019, 06:00pm - 07:00pm
Everyone, please mark your calendars. The next
ROCS (Riviera, Oakmont, Colonial and Sawgrass)
and Pebble Beach Potluck Dinner will be held on
October 11 at 6 pm in the HFC Community
Room. Please bring your own plates, utensils,
napkins and beverages, along with a dish to share
with 6 to 8 people. Also, a $2/couple donation for
supplies will be greatly appreciated. Please RSVP
by October 9 on the sign-up sheet located in the HFC Hallway, or by contacting Carolyn Bishop at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 919.606.8844. Volunteers are always needed and appreciated to help with set-up and clean up.
Location :: HFC Community Room