Tony (Motown) Knight
Saturday, October 12, 2019, 07:00pm - 10:00pm
The Month of October Breast Cancer Awareness: Once again the HFC will join charities to recognize those persons affected by Breast Cancer. Think pink: Everyone that comes to the HFC in October is encouraged to wear pink. At the end of the month the HFC will reward the person who wore pink to the most activities. Stars with names of survivors or the name of a loved one will be placed on the wall behind the HFC Activities Desk. On Saturday, October 12, at 9:00 AM there will be a brisk walk from the HFC to the West Gate and back, followed by an expanded Continental Breakfast (for walkers only). Registration is required for the Walk. You may sign up at the HFC Activities Desk or call 863-595-1562. A 7:00 PM dance featuring Tony (Motown) Knight will end the event. Reserve your table for $10. Admission is $10 per person at the door. BYOB
Location :: HFC Community Center