Christmas Dinner Dance
Saturday, December 07, 2019, 05:00pm - 10:00pm

Hello Lake Ashton Friends! It's time to mark the calendar and make sure that DECEMBER 7 is reserved for this Gala Affair. Get out that pretty dress and snappy suit to have a Merry time in the beautiful Clubhouse Ballroom. Menu by Cam's Catering includes a beef carving station, pork loin with mushrooms, and salmon with all the trimmings. NiNi’s will have a cash bar with happy hour pricing. Perfect Pitch Band will provide the great music. Meet and greet your friends and family for a night of Christmas fun! Tickets go on sale November 4 before Monday Coffee at 8 am in the Clubhouse. Bring cash or check with a list of names at your table. Tickets are $30/person. Help with decorating and clean-up would be greatly appreciated. Please leave your name and number with Jackie or Sheri. Looking forward to a great time! See you all soon

Location :: Clubhouse Ballroom