[CXL] Pool Party
Sunday, March 01, 2020, 01:00pm - 10:00pm
The next Pool Party is Sunday, March 1, 2020. BBQ will start at 1PM in Pavilion and go until 4PM then swim until closing. Please bring a dish to share. Chips, dips, hot dogs and burgers will be served. Also bring something to drink and your plates and utensils.

Please RSVP to Iris Realmuto if you are coming so we can have a count.

Volunteer cooks are welcomed, see Doug Olympia.

There will be a donation jar at the door for anyone who wants to participate.

If you are not on the pool email list, sign up with the Pool Guard or contact Iris Realmuto.

This event is open to all Lake Ashton residents.

— Pool Social Committee (Brenda Van Sickle, Doug Olympia Iris Realmuto)
Location :: Pavillion & Clubhouse Pool