Memories Matter
Friday, November 20, 2020, 01:00pm - 04:00pm
Join the fight against Alzheimer’s bysharing your memories at the Clubhouse on November 20. Judi Puntureri will be collecting $10 donations to go towardsThe Walk to End Alzheimer’s starting at 1 pm in the Clubhouse Ballroom. By giving a donation of$10 towards the cause, you will be able to set upa table of your memories (i.e. pictures, tangiblememories, anything that you hold dear) in theBallroom. You can choose to stay with your tableto share the stories of the memories you aredisplaying or simply set the table as you desireand collect your items at 4 pm. Residents arewelcomed to come look at these memories after 2pm and give towards the cause as well. If youhave any questions, please call the ClubhouseActivities Desk.
Location :: Clubhouse