Festive Holiday Karaoke Night Ticket Sales Start
Friday, November 20, 2020, 09:00am
A Festive Holiday Karaoke Night will be sponsored by LAPAC (Lake Ashton Performing Arts Committee) on December 17 from 7 to 9:30 pm. LAPAC will be partnering with Metz Culinary Management (the new Clubhouse restaurant) to try and make the night more enjoyable. Tickets will be $10 dollars each and will go on sale November 20 at the Clubhouse (check only, payable to LAPAC). Tables of 4 will be assigned so if you have friends make sure you get a table together. This exciting karaoke night will have some special entertainment and some door prizes. A limited number of people can attend to stay in accordance with COVID-19 protocols. Wayne, the karaoke DJ, has safety measures already in place for the use of microphones, so come out and join for a great night! Any questions -please feel free to contact Cheryl Winchester.
Location :: Clubhouse