Caring Tree for the Lake Wales Care Center
From Sunday, November 08, 2020
To Monday, December 14, 2020
The Caring Tree for the Lake Wales Care Center willbe in the Clubhouse Ballroom by the Activities Deskfrom the second week of November to December 14.For the benefit of any new residents, the gifts youdonate will go to local families in need. Please placeyour gifts under the tree in the Ballroom. They mustbe new and unwrapped. If you can't decide what tobuy for children from birth to teenager, the tree willhave tags with suggestions. If you feel uncomfortableputting your gift under the tree personally, call theActivities Desk when you arrive and someone willcome out to your car or cart and take care of it. All the gifts will be picked up and delivered to the CareCenter's distribution center on Park Street. You mayhave noticed that this year has had its problems andthere are many local families that will be unable togive their families a joyous holiday season. If yourclub or group would like to make a combineddonation, please contact Larry or Joanne Hillock. Let'scontinue the well known generosity of all LakeAshton residents by helping those in our communitywho are truly in need of our help.
Location :: Clubhouse Ballroom