Kayak Trip
Friday, February 05, 2021, 07:30am - 05:00pm

Paddle trip to see manatees and then a short paddle up Snake Creek.
Blue Springs State Park, 2100 West French Ave, Orange City, FL
The GPS says slightly over 2 hours.
Rentals are available, 833-953-2583
Single kayak, $32.86 - Tandem, $43.16 - Canoe, 2 or 3 person, $36.62
Includes launch fees.
Park admission, $6.00 per car up to 8 people.
Launch fee in the park if you have your own boat - no fee
Bathrooms - in the park
Lunch - On your own, I believe there are food concessions inside the park.
If you don't want to enter the park, you can launch and park at the end of
West French Ave, about 1 mile past the park entrance.
Launch your boat there, no fee, and then paddle about 1/4 mile upstream, (left)
to the rope barricade blocking off the entrance to the spring run.
I recommend launching from the park so you will have access to bathrooms.
If you are renting or launching in the park, paddle downstream (right) about 100 yards to the rope barricade.
We will meet there.
The manatees congregate in the spring head during cold weather, and move into the river to feed when the surface
water warms up from the sun. They leave the springhead and swim under the rope where we will be waiting.
In order to see the most manatees we should be there early. The plan is to leave at 7:30 AM.
There is no need to meet at the HFC like we normally do, if you carpool, set it up yourself and leave at 7:30.
After we have viewed the manatees for a while we can paddle upstream about 1/2 mile to the entrance
to Snake Creek. We can explore Snake Creek, supposedly lots of wildlife, and then retrace our route back to the launch site.
After that everyone will be on their own to explore the park or go down to the walkway to the spring and see
the manatees from the viewing area.
Go to the website to get info on the park. Make sure that it is the website to the one in Orange City.
There are Two Blue Springs State parks in Florida.
Guests - Always welcome.
Please let me know if you are going, and whether or not you are using your own boat or renting
Please check your email the morning of the trip for any cancellations or changes.
Location :: Blue Spring State Park, 2100 W French Ave, Orange City, FL 32763, USA