The LA Purple Stars will start selling luminaries — small bags that can be decorated to remember a lost family member or friend, or support someone who is currently battling cancer, or celebrate someone who won the fight and is cancer free, or remember someone who lost the fight. The suggested minimum is $5, which includes a tea lite. The Purple Stars are asking all Lake Ashton residents to buy several bags, in order to place your bags on your driveway at 8 pm on July 7 to celebrate "Light up Lake Ashton.”
The theme of this year's Relay is "Passport for a Cure" and each team chose a country to decorate their campsite. The Purple Stars chose America and will be selling raffle tickets, $1 each or 6 for $5 for a beautiful basket, filled with hundreds of dollars of gift cards & merchandise, and two beautiful wreaths, and luminaries on June 7 at Monday Coffee. After that, both the Clubhouse and the HFC will sell these items. Pay by cash or check made out to LA Purple Stars. Any questions call David Harriso