Wednesday, August 18, 2021, 02:00pm - 03:00pm

HOA Board is inviting you to a Special Board meeting on Wednesday August 18, 2021, at 2 pm in the craft room.  Zoom is also available. 


Topic: HOA  Board's Zoom Meeting

Time: Aug 18, 2021 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 810 3419 5445

Passcode: 793234

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+16465588656,,81034195445#,,,,*793234# US (New York)


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        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

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        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Meeting ID: 810 3419 5445

Passcode: 793234

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Location :: Clubhouse Craft Room & Zoom