Lake Ashton Cruise-In Car Show
Sunday, February 05, 2023, 04:00pm - 07:00pm

Due to an inclement weather forecast for this Saturday, the LA Cruise-In Car Show has been rescheduled to Sunday, February 5, from 4 to 7 pm in the Clubhouse West Parking Lot.

Shine up that chrome, scrub those tires, and rev those engines, it’s time for the Cruise-In again! Join us on January 21 from 4 pm to 7 pm in the West parking lot of the Clubhouse to enjoy food trucks, classic and modern cars alike, and live music from the Southbound Band. Cars will be judged and winners for each category presented with a prize! The classes are Best Classic (pre-1989), Best Modern (post-1989), and Crowd Favorite. Registration starts December 14 and ends January 13. Please pick up your registration forms at the Activities Office and indicate if you would like to enter your car to be judged. If you are attending the event, please be advised that parking will only be available in the east parking lot and golf cart parking will be in the circle drive per usual.

Location :: Clubhouse West parking lot