ESCAPE FROM UKRAINE: One Man’s Journey to the Black Sea.
Tuesday, February 07, 2023, 02:30pm - 03:30pm

All Lake Ashton residents are invited by the Tuesday Evening Book Club to a Zoom presentation February 7 at 2:30 pm in the Clubhouse Cinema by guest author Ward R. Anderson about his book ESCAPE FROM UKRAINE: One Man’s Journey to the Black Sea.

Mr. Anderson wrote Escape from Ukraine to protest the 2014 invasion of Eastern Ukraine and Crimea. Completed in 2020, it was updated and republished after the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

After graduating from Bucknell University with a B.A. in History, Mr. Anderson flew fighter/attack aircraft from the U.S.S. Ranger. As a Naval Reservist, his NATO deployments in the 1980s along the Iron Curtain furthered his understanding of the vulnerability of free border countries. Anderson lives in Annapolis, Maryland, and as a seasonal visitor to the Keys, he is a member of the Key West Writer's Guild.

Location :: Clubhouse Cinema