Murder Mystery of LA Volunteers
Friday, April 21, 2023, 07:00pm - 08:00pm

It doesn’t take a detective to figure out that volunteers make Lake Ashton go ‘round, so Clubhouse staff and supervisors are showing their appreciation by inviting all

LA volunteers to this very special event:

Who: Anyone who volunteers at Lake Ashton in any capacity

What: “Death of a Gangster” Murder Mystery Event ... plus free desserts

When: April 21at7pm
Where: Clubhouse Ballroom ... aka the Dunn Speakeasy

Why: To show appreciation for the volunteers who help keep LA running smoothly every day!

Get your free ticket at the Clubhouse Activities Office for this event you won’t want to miss! This event is free thanks to the following sponsors: Performance Golf Carts, Andrew Stroud of Raymond James, Kevin Weltlin of State Farm, Water's Edge of Lake Wales

Location :: Clubhouse Ballroom