Classical Music Appreciation/History
Monday, August 28, 2023, 03:00pm - 04:00pm

Club & Activities Contact Information

Join Ken Hoffman, a retired Lake Ashton resident who

has taught classical music history courses for nearly a

decade at various institutions including the Continuing

Education Department at the University of North

Florida, as he takes residents through the history

of classical music chronologically, starting with the

Medieval era, going to the mid-20th century.

Hundreds of great musical works will be explained as

well as the lives of the composers who wrote them.

Residents will discuss music in the context of the

other arts of the era, as well as historical events that

influenced the arts; politics, wars, religion, science and

technology, the rise of the middle class, the

Enlightenment, etc. Sign up at the Clubhouse

Information Wall as space is limited. This class will be

held Mondays at 3 pm in the Clubhouse Cinema,

starting October 3.


Location :: Clubhouse Cinema